Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trial run.

So, I am new to the blogging scene! Be patient with me as I try to figure this all out. 
What is the driving factor behind my wanting to give it a whirl?!
 Each and every day I seem to be learning something new about God's grace through parenting. I cant count the times that I have disciplined, or corrected, my kids and then thought to myself... "God must feel the exact same way each time I knowingly disregaurd his will"
I had been journal each of these instances and looking back on them periodically and I found them humerous and humbling. Maybe worth sharing! we go!! 
It may not always be glamourous. We may not enjoy each and every moment of it. Sometimes it might just down right hurt, but God's lessons in grace are always worth learning. Even if sometimes it means letting others see our insecurities and flaws. No one is perfect, that is after all the whole reason for Grace!