Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Baby Gender Reveal

So... We had our Ultrasound about 2 1/2 weeks ago and we decided that we would have the Dr put the results in an envelope to be revealed on Christmas Eve. We gave the envelope to my mom so she could prepare the reveal and waited... and waited... and waited. Lol. Really it wasn't that long but it seemed like forever.

Yesterday was the big day. We all gathered around the Christmas tree, mom handed me a remote and told me to push the button. Suddenly the entire tree was lit with blue lights! IT'S A BOY!!!! Kevin and I were both almost positive it was a boy but the kids were surprised. Leah's first reaction was tears, she really wanted another sister. The boys were of course rejoicing, and Abigail just thought the lights were pretty(she really has no clue). Since we already have 2 boys, 2 girls, we were just praying for a healthy baby.

In my last post I said we were waiting on some testing to come back sometime in the next few weeks. Since we had some abnormal ultrasound findings. 2 of the test have come back negative(which is good). One was for Cystic Fibrosis and the other for a viral infection that can cause some of the issues that were found in babies development through ultrasound. We are still waiting on some genetic testing for Down Syndrome to come back. Depending on those results we will decide what further testing needs to be done to determine what is causing the abnormalities.
Continue to pray for Baby P to be healthy. Mommy and daddy are both at peace and confident in the ability to care for a child with special needs if that is what the Lord would choose, we are both just relieved that the heart is normally developing and has no issues.
Now to name this little guy...

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