Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week 22 Dr Checkup

Week 22 Dr visit. Everything looking good. Measuring right on target, no significant preterm issues thus far, strong, steady heart rate, and mommy has now officially gained 8 pounds. Next appt 4 weeks, ultrasound to recheck growth and bowel issues in 6 weeks. Praying for no preterm issues before my next appt! The Dr told baby(and mommy) to behave today.

Bedrest is continue to test my ability to sit still but I requested crocheting tools for Christmas and a sewing machine so that is helping! I have finished 4 crochet projects and plan to start on the sewing machine today!! I'm really excited to try to make the bedding for the crib. I have a few months to get the hang of this before the project has to be done!!

This pregnancy seem to be flying by, probably with the rush of all the holidays. The kids finally got to feel him moving, he has always been so far down in my pelvis that they could never really feel it but now he has moved up in the uterus(or flipped his feet up that direction). Leah has been dying to feel him move so she is constantly asking me know "is he moving?" We are enjoying every little kick that we can.

Oh how I love pregnancy!! If it wasn't for the injections that we had just discovered I needed to take with these last 2 pregnancies, it is hard to tell how many kids we would have! I am realizing this time though, that my body is not as young as it used to be. Pregnacy does get harder the older you get. I am not sure my body will bounce back from this go round like it has the other 4 times!

We are still debating out names. I am pretty sure we have locked it down to a top 2 but haven't decided to set one in stone. We are now talking middle names and trying to decide which combo we like best! I'll be posting as soon as we decide.

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