Tuesday, February 18, 2014

El Shaddai- The ALL Sufficient One

El Shaddai... The first thing that comes to mind when I hear this name of God is the OLD Amy Grant song, popular in the 90's(maybe before then but I'm not old enough to remember that). However, while studying the name more in depth, and reading in my personal study through the book of Psalms, it has take on a whole new meaning.

Ask most people what the meaning of El Shaddai is and they will say God Almighty. This is true, it is the first definition listed; but what comes after that is what spoke to me this week.

The ALL Sufficient One.

I thought... "Well Praise The Lord" not only is his grace sufficient for me, he is ALL sufficient. Meaning that in EVERY area of my weakness, my need, my want; he is enough!!As long as I am leaning on him and borrowing from his strength, it is enough.
Reading through the Psalms there is this resounding theme from the writers... The Lord is my __________(you name it, he is). My Strength, My Shield, My Rock, My Fortress, My Provider, My Defender, My Shepherd, My Sustainer, My Salvation, My Healer, My Deliverer... I could spend all day naming the things that the Psalms say he is. He is ALL sufficient.
Everything I am NOT, He IS!!
This is great new. Sometimes(more often than not) as a mother and a wife I am insufficient. I am human. I fail. My sinful nature of anger, selfishness, pride, and unforgiveness show up and mess things up. However, when I am fully relying on the ALL sufficient one, things go much better. So I ask myself... "Why do I take my focus off of El Shaddai?" If I know I have his power and sufficiency at my disposal then why do I not take full advantage of it at all times. It seems to make perfect sense yet in my humanity and sinfulness I can't always see that.
In those times when I feel insufficient, I am so glad that he is ALL sufficient.
This week, search for his all sufficiency in every area of you insufficiency. Rely on him to be your El Shaddai!!

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