Monday, February 3, 2014

Jehovah - Shalom

John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

True peace. What exactly is it? There are so many different definitions... The absence of hostility, war, trouble. Quiet, tranquility. An environment of unity and agreement.

One of my favorite quotes states...

 Peace, It does not mean to be in a place that there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of these things and still be calm at heart.

Many would say...
A person who is at peace with all things, is a person who does not allow another person or event to control their emotions.

It's something we all strive for. I know few people who want to live in turmoil and strife, yet many do. The Lord says that he will give us a peace that passes all understanding. A peace so fulfilling and calming that we can't even fathom it. Yet many of us, even faithful Christians, choose not to tap into the supernatural peace that The Lord has promise us. We worry, we try to control things, we bicker and fight, all the while he's extending his perfect peace.
I am admittedly a control freak, OCD, whatever name you want to have for it. While this I ussure you is more than a personality flaw, it is something much bigger than the choices a person makes, it makes it difficult to be a person who is at peace. I always have a to do list in my mind. When I mark one thing off, I add another. Even when it would appear to everyone else that there is nothing more to be done, I can find something to be straightened or organized.
While this quality can be a wonderful asset to family life and even in ministry, it can also be a hindrance.
I know I have mentioned it before in older blog post but let me just say it again... I struggle to "Be still".
I am not just speaking of a physical state of sitting still, that can be done when needed. I am speaking of my mind and heart. The Lord tells us many time in scripture to BE STILL. I am positive he was not speaking of our physical state. A scholar who knows Greek or Hebrew may be able to tell you that the literal translation can prove that he was speaking more of the state of our heart and mind(but a scholar I am not).
Sure many of us will acknowledge and even ask for that peace that passes all understanding in time of trouble. When we experience a trial, the death of a loved one, some unexpected news from the Dr. However, God's hasn't just promised us peace in times of trouble. He has promised life MORE ABUNDANT, and part of that abundant life is a DAILY state of peace. Why are we only tapping into these Holy resources when we need them most. Perhaps we wouldn't find ourselves in such turmoil if we were seeking God daily and taking our daily dose of peace that passes all understanding.
We long for peaceful homes, harmonious living, less turmoil. Our lives, as a result, would be amazing. The world would be SUCH a better place if we were all focused solely on him.
Oh how I pray, each and every day, that we would WAKE UP and tap into the power source. Where is the boldness of the apostles? Where is the power of the early church? Why are we sitting back in our Christian corner silently crying as our nation continues to turn her back on God.

We can't count on someone else to start a revival, it has to start in US!!

I'm not saying to be the loud mouth, condemning christian type who is helping drive the nation further from God. I'm saying tap into the power source, who has made available all of his wonderful attributes and be Jesus to the world!!
Start by taking your daily dose of peace. This week, strive to be a person of peace, in your home, in  your community, in your church. Also, strive to be peaceful in your heart. Be still and allow God to fill you with peace. The peace that allows you to be gracious to your spouse when they are stressed and unload the frustrations of their day on you. The peace that allows you to use discipline as a way to reveal Jesus, and the need for a Saviour, to the strong willed child who knows exactly how to push your buttons. The peace that gives you the boldness to share your faith with the person the God puts in your path, knowing that no matter what the world may throw at you, God has you in his hand! Take a deep breath, and say a prayer, asking Jehovah Shalom, The Lord our peace, to fill you with the peace that passes all understanding!
Take heart!!! He has overcome the world!!

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