Friday, February 7, 2014

28 week update

Time is ticking away. There are days I feel like this pregnancy is flying by, then other days I am just ready for the end to come! Thankfully to this point we have had minimal complications or issues with preterm labor.

Bed rest(as much as a mommy of 4 possibly can) is seemingly working. The kids have been great with helping out around the house, doing their chores, and pitching in extra to help where they can. Kevin has been a wonderful help to me and always does what's needed without complaint. As well as family, and neighbors, who are pitching in to get the kids to and from school, dr's appt's, and other activities.

So far I have only gained 11 pounds and I am feeling pretty good.I feel like all I do is eat, and since I'm not really burning any calories while sitting I feel like I should have gained a lot more but I have always gained very little weight with boys and a lot of weight with girls! The dr. doesn't seem concerned so I will be thankful for the small gain(it will make it easier to loose)!

 Being on bed rest and sitting most of the last month I am having serious pain when I do get up to walk, going up the stairs is torture. Mostly because your muscles get weak from lack of use and also because my poor body has been put through child birth 5 times in a short span. Pray with me that my body will continue to tolerate this pain and that I will recover quickly once I am up and moving again. I worry that the bones through my pelvic area and hips are saying they are done. They literally feel like they are going to break in half every time i stand up. It can actually happen that those bones will fracture just because they have been put through s much stress and spreading and I have heard that it is very painful and hard to recover from!

I am totally ready to meet this little man. I am starting to get that "I feel totally unprepared" feeling. We thought we were done after Abigail and got rid of everything but the crib. Luckily since this is baby #5 we know what is really necessary and what is just nice to have. If we get a car seat, some preemie outfits, and a small pack of diapers I will feel like we have the essentials to come home from the hospital. We had a weekend without kids, last weekend, and Kevin pushed me all over in a wheel chair looking at baby stuff. We didn't find a car seat we liked at a reasonable price so we are continuing the search! He likes shopping for car seats and is pretty picky about them, it cracks me up. All the rest will fall into place, it always does.

The Dr. says that at about 30 weeks he plans to lift my restrictions a little bit, so I can then feel like I can do more to prepare for baby. I will still have to take it easy until 34 weeks, on average this is the week we deliver, it is the week that they will not medically intervene to stop your labor. Just thinking about being so close to 30 weeks makes me anxious. We have delivered as early as 32 weeks, that's only 4 weeks away, EEEKKK!! 33 weeks, 34 weeks, and 35 weeks. I breath a sigh of relief when we make it past 32 weeks, and we always shoot for a goal of 34 weeks(that would be March 30th). Now you see why I get anxious about having nothing done!! God has always been good, he knows when our babies are done cooking and they have all(except Carson, who would have been sick at full term) been healthy babies!

We go next week for another ultrasound just to recheck somethings they saw in earlier ultrasounds but have been assured that these things will be minor, if even still an issue at all.

We're getting close!

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