Sunday, January 20, 2019

Shaving cream to remove urine smell

Alright #boymom friends...

 I know you've all seen it and wondered if it worked so I'm trying it out for us all. 

Pinterest says that shaving cream around the toilet will get rid of the urine smell and keep your bathroom from smelling like a truck stop urinal. So I'm trying and I'll review it when I'm done!

 Lord please it work!

I've seen this quite a few time recently on pinterest, but never actually read what it said. The house that we recently bought only has one full bath which means that the main bathroom is essentially the kids bathroom, and Kevin and I have a half bath in our room. This means we shower and bath in the main bathroom. 

I went in a few nights ago after a really stressful day, with my diet coke, bath salts, and lavender EO. I started the water, slid into the bath, but unfortunately lavender is not what I was smelling. I mean why do we place toilets and bathtubs next to each other at the same level anyways?!?

I thought to myself "that's it. I'm trying the shaving cream!" 

I have my own cleaning business, I know most of the tips and tricks for a good deep clean, but for whatever reason, this porous tile that is in this bathroom just seems to hold onto that disgusting smell. So, what the heck, it can't hurt anything to try. 

The next day when I went to the store I got a bottle of #Gillette foamy regular shave foam. It cost me a whole $1.89(because they were out of the store band for $.99) 

So... this is what we started with...

You see that tan tile, with  darker tan grout? I mean we all know that every time that pee hits the floor in runs all the way across the bathroom, using those grout lines as a highway to find the low spot, that I will always step in! EWWWW!

So, I sprayed the foamy cream all in the grout lines, along the whole bottom of the toilet, and all around about a 3 foot by 4 foot area. I went and found an old spatula and spread it all around on the tile in a thin coat(you couldn't see the tile through the shaving cream). 

I left it for 2 hours, locked the door, and instructed everyone to use the other bathroom for the time being. 

Now, I scooped all of the top layer up off the floor and rinsed it in the bathtub. Then used a rag to scrub the thin layer that was left off. This was not a tidy scenario. It was quite the messy project. 
All worth it for what it uncovered... that tile is actually cream, and that grout is actually light tan. Mind you, that bathroom gets wiped down daily and gets deep cleaned once a week. I was blown away.

End result, the bathroom smells like a freshly shaved man, 24 hours later. The tile looks AMAZING and now I have to do the other 2/3 of the floor so it will match.

Would I do this frequently? 


It was not worth the mess for it to be a weekly project; however, every 3-6 months for a really deep clean it might be a keeper. 

That being said, I kind of want to try it in my shower because that will be easier to rinse with the shower wand. 

So for inquiring minds(or desperate moms who are sick of smelling urine), there you have it!

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