Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Scrubbing toilets and talking to God.

So... I know right? Blog neglect. I am guilty, but for good reason.
Some of you may or may not know that I started a new job. For the first time in quite a while I am working outside of the home. The Lord has provided for Kevin to work from home, and keep the younger kids, while I work and the older kids are in school. We prayed about it for a long time and came to the conclusion that this is what is best in this stage of our lives. We are all loving it!! I started about a month ago, the kids have LOVED being home with daddy, and I must say that Kevin can keep a pretty good house(shhh, don't tell him I am letting his secrets out) while I am thrilled to have a little adult interaction(don't get my wrong, I love, love, love being at home with my kids, but every mommy needs a timeout every once in a great while!)
I must say... Cleaning other people's toilets is not the right job for everyone(or anyone) but hey it's got to be done, right? Of all the jobs I have ever had(outside, of course, from being mommy) I truly love this one the most. While I am scrubbing other people toilets and cleaning their toothpaste spit off of the mirror and out of the sink(glamorous right?!?) I have so much time to talk to the Lord.
Today in particular, I was praying that the Lord would provide for a need that we had(and for some things that I just plain old wanted) and wouldn't you know that the lady at that house gave me a 40$ tip!! I am not quite sure I didn't say it out load, I screamed it in my head, PRAISE YOU LORD!!! I was so astounded that he had answered my prayer that quickly. When I was staying at home I usually had to lock myself in the bathroom or take a shower to get in any real, productive, well let's just be honest UNINTERUPTED  prayer time, now I am just talking to him all day long. It is really quite refreshing!
Aside from the better prayer life there are other things that scrubbing toilets has taught me, and they may be as a result of a better prayer life, one of those thing is... That marriage is a team sport, not a competition to see whose best. I think way to many couples have his jobs and her jobs, there is an imaginary, or not so imaginary line drawn and no one dares to cross it. It's bred by pride and entitlement(like so many things in our society today) Where no one wants to ask for help and everyone wants to be the best. I just gotta say MY HUSBAND IS WAY BETTER AT LAUNDRY THAN I AM!!! I hate laundry, everything about it. When I stayed home we always had laundry, whether clean or dirty, piled somewhere. Since he's been at home the laundry is pretty much always caught up!! It's wonderful. I am so thankful to have such a good teammate. God made us to perfectly compliment each other in every way. I am truly best to have a team mate that I can count on and have complete faith that everything will be ok when I get home. And trust me, for those of you who know me, you know that's huge!!!! I am a control freak, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the care of my kids and for a long time I thought no one, not even my husband, could do it as good(or better) than I could. Thankfully, God has blessed our kids with 2 AMAZING parents(lol)!!!!
All kidding aside, we may not be perfect, and we don't do things the same way, but in the end, neither way is better or worse, because we are a team, and the goal is the same... Point our kids towards Jesus and his amazing GRACE!!!

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