Sunday, June 22, 2014

Birth Announcement(2 months later)

Introducing... Micah Scott Pruitt 

I know it may seem as if I have abandoned my blog... in some ways I kinda have, but all for good reason, and it wont last forever I promise.
1 very good reason for my recent silence has been the birth and first few months of our newest little blessing arrival. Delivery went super smoothly, although he was the longest baby I have cooked(we nearly made it to 37 weeks), he required a small hospital stay for some breathing issues, which we totally did not expect.
 In hindsight I can see that the Lord probably did that to keep me from being the crazy woman I am and over exerting myself the next few days following his birth. We were having our first major outreach at our church plant and instead of attending the community pancake breakfast and Easter Egg hunt and being able to help, Micah and I spent his first 4 days in the NICU. The Lord always knows what we need and it was actually a great time to bond with Micah before being thrust back into the reality of family life with 5 kids.
 He is such the perfect completion to our family and everyone just loves him to pieces. Few things in life are as precious and time consuming as an infant. I am taking in every possible second of this stage because likely I will never again cuddle and love on a baby this small again. Yes, I am emotionally crazy about this, I officially have last baby syndrome. I am not getting near enough sleep because I just sit up all night and stare at him after he wakes up for a feeding and goes back to sleep. In the complete silence of the house(since that only ever happens when everyone else is sleeping) I treasure those tiny finger and toes, flittering eyelids and gassy smiles that are the life of a newborn. Then I cry because it is a quickly fading stage that I so much enjoy. If time could only stand still... and so I try to make the most of this time.
Along with this nostalgic, last baby syndrome I have come to the realization that all of this will soon fade away to a memory. Someday all these giggling, blond headed, bundles of energy will be grown and gone.
While most days I am dreaming of the days of no more snot and slime, no more fussing and fighting, no more I'm bored, I'm hungry, or He's looking at me's, but when night comes, and all is quiet, I know I've missed some of the greatest moments in their young lives whilst blogging, doing laundry, or cleaning something for the thousandth time that isn't even dirty.
 So I have committed a lot of my time this summer to trying to be the "Yes mom". Next fall we will have 3 kids in school. 3rd grade, 2nd grade, and Kindergarten. Doesn't even seem possible that they have grown that fast.
 So this summer is a summer of dirty laundry and a sink full of dishes.
I'm spending as much time as possible enjoying the great outdoors, all the playgrounds and splash pads that this city has to offer. We are going to have a summer to remember. Even if we never leave our yard we will have fun. I've been making a conscious effort to say yes more. For me this means asking myself each time the kids ask something "do I really have a reason to say no?" Most of the time, when it is the little things, I can't find a good reason to say no so I have been saying yes.
Yes to my 2 year old being covered in bandaids even if she doesn't have a legitimate scratch.
Yes to an ice pack for the tiniest bump from our outside adventures.
 Yes to playing board games, side walk chalk, bubbles, and hopscotch.
 Yes to family camping in the living room with every pillow, blanket, and stuffed animal known to man.
 Yes to catching fireflies and playing in the rain. It's been a great adventure so far!!!!
So for now, I'm storing those blog posts in my mind for the rainy days, the long naps, and after bedtime when all is quiet. :)


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