Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mommy is a hypocrite.

It's a humbling experience when your kids get old enough to recognize your sin and point it out. OUCH. Glad they recognize sin for what it is, it's just one step closer to their need for a savior but man I feel like a huge hypocrite. 
Another revelation of how much I need God's grace. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

The strength in being a "not so independent" woman.

Woman's rights and gender equality.

What comes to your mind when I say these things?

 A strong,independent woman who doesn't need a mans help?

Most of us think this way, partially because of the way media and other sources have portrayed these things to us.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for equality amongst ALL people. No matter your gender, race, age group, or any other label that society has created. After all, in Gods eyes, we are all equal.

 However, I want you to know something.

While society has put such an emphasis on how strong an independent woman is, they have either knowingly or unknowingly, put into the mind of a generation of young girls and women that if you have to depend in anyone you are weak.

This past weak I spent a few days away from my husband. We have been traveling as we work to plant a church in Bloomington, Indiana. He had some meetings in Texas to attend and our youngest was having surgery. We have been in Arkansas for most of the month but I traveled 11 hours back home with our 4 kids and he traveled to Texas. In this process, I missed my husband so much. It was only 4 days, and we were both so busy during those days that it went by fairly quickly, but I still missed him.

 He's my team mate, my best friend, my right hand man.

Now society says "Don't reveal your weakness. You are independent. You drove 11 hours alone with 4 kids."

What I want you to know is...

 dependence and weakness are not partners,

neither independence and strength are partners. Each person is different.

All I can tell you about is Gods calling on my life. Could I do what I do without the help of my husband? If I had to yes, I could probably do most of the things set in front of me. I am very mechanically inclined woman, I am a strong personality type. The fact that I am able to does not ever mean that this is what I would choose. I am miserable after about 2 nights. Not because I don't have the ability to perform everyday tasks but because I miss the sharing of responsibilities.

 How cute it is when he tucks the kids in.

How I can tap out when I am tired or frustrated and I know he's got my back.

 I want our kids to know that mommy and daddy depend on each other, work together, and are genuinely better together.God has called me into a partnership, a support role, a team effort.

It doesn't bother me that the bible has told my husband to treat me as the weaker vessel(this is where most woman freak out). It's not saying that I am weak and insignificant. Actually, on the contrary, it is saying that I am priceless and to be cherished like fine china. Being cherished sounds like a good deal to me!!

When both of us keep a Godly perspective on what our partnership is supposed to be, it is a wonderful, co-dependent team, that is working together for the glory of God. It's a beautiful thing

Now I understand, that for some of you, life circumstances have thrown you a curve, and you are a strong and independent woman. Society does a great job of telling you how great you are doing. And I commend you. There is no way I could do it alone. So don't feel that I am diminishing you in any way. I just want the young woman and girls in my life to know...

That a strong dependence on God, until the time that he gives you a husband to depend on, DOES NOT make you weak.

I am so blessed to be co-dependent with my wonderful husband. Areas that I am weak, he is strong; and areas that he is weak, I am strong. God has matched us perfectly for each other. As long as we keep our eyes on him and do as he commands, we are the strongest team possible. I depend on him, and he depends on me, but we both depend on God.

I don't tell my husband near enough how much I need him, how proud of him I am, and how much value he brings to my life, and my walk with God. I am blessed to have a great man! If you are blessed in this same way, take a minute today to thank God for giving you that relationship and tell your husband what he means to you.

Some of my friends, I want you to know, that if your feeling all alone, and that you can't go on because of circumstances in life, and the place you are in the journey that your on... Jesus want you to depend on him. He is always there, and he will always care. He is dependable, more dependable than any person can ever be. He loves you and he wants to be your source of strength. If you would like to know more about this visit or contact us for more information. Our contact information can be found on the site.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Contentment in "just being mommy"

Entitlement is the sin of satan. It was not good enough for him to be the most beautiful among the angels. He wanted more. He wanted to be like God. He was not content to be who God had created him to be, he felt entitled to be more. 
It's no wonder America struggles with the sin of entitlement.  They are taking on the form of their god, wether consciously or not. 
When you find yourself be discontent and entitled. Stop and ask God to forgive you for making satan you god, and for him to reveal more clearly who he want you to be. 
I have been struggling lately to find meaning and contentment in "just being mommy" and Have been searching in The Lord for why I was feeling this discontented spirit. All I have ever wanted to be is a mommy and the ministry of being mommy is one of the most important callings God can put on a woman's life. 
I realized this morning that Satan has been using this to keep me from focusing on my ministry to my children and has taken my joy of just being mommy and replaced it with entitlement and discontentment. I have allowed Satan to steal my identity and replace it with doubts and confusion. 
I don't need to be more as long as I am doing all that God has called me to do. 
Lord fill me with your grace and give me a content and fulfilled spirit so that I can be fully effective at what you have called me to be. You grace is enough. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Deputation travels

So... As many of you know, the last 3 months have been full of traveling. Here, there, and everywhere! Many of our missionary friends have experienced this joyous(and let's just  be honest, somewhat trying and terrifying, at times) experience. We have taken our kids from their comfort zones and thrown them into a crazy schedule(or lack thereof) filled with a whole world of strange and different. I thank God each day for kids that travel well and can adjust and fall into a new pattern when needed(for the most part). As with anything in life, this experience is all about perspective.
Personally, I love every minute of it! Call me crazy(sometimes I myself think I am) but it is wonderful to me. As we wake up each day, in a new place, with new things to discover, I thank God for allowing us to show our kids the beauty of his creation, in multiple states, and the means to do many fun activities along the way. We've been to beaches, on hikes, mini golf, waterfalls, LOTS of fun playgrounds, and mammoth caves(just to name a few).  Many of these we would never have seen if we weren't on this Journey we call life right now.
As we were driving yesterday, beautiful mountains in view, I just had to stop and thank God for his wonderful grace and provisions for us along the way. Kevin and I have learned through this time span that "true faith begins, where we end". When we are exhausted and feel like we can't go on anymore, when our bank account laughs at us, and when the kids have had enough and have lost their minds(don't judge, you know you've been there too) we really have to fully trust in God to provide for the next day. It has been,overall, the most joyous, adventurous, fun-filled, family time ever.
I know I don't deserve it, but Gods grace is amazing.