Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Contentment in "just being mommy"

Entitlement is the sin of satan. It was not good enough for him to be the most beautiful among the angels. He wanted more. He wanted to be like God. He was not content to be who God had created him to be, he felt entitled to be more. 
It's no wonder America struggles with the sin of entitlement.  They are taking on the form of their god, wether consciously or not. 
When you find yourself be discontent and entitled. Stop and ask God to forgive you for making satan you god, and for him to reveal more clearly who he want you to be. 
I have been struggling lately to find meaning and contentment in "just being mommy" and Have been searching in The Lord for why I was feeling this discontented spirit. All I have ever wanted to be is a mommy and the ministry of being mommy is one of the most important callings God can put on a woman's life. 
I realized this morning that Satan has been using this to keep me from focusing on my ministry to my children and has taken my joy of just being mommy and replaced it with entitlement and discontentment. I have allowed Satan to steal my identity and replace it with doubts and confusion. 
I don't need to be more as long as I am doing all that God has called me to do. 
Lord fill me with your grace and give me a content and fulfilled spirit so that I can be fully effective at what you have called me to be. You grace is enough. 

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