Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mary or Martha? What is your legacy saying?

I often ask myself... What kind of legacy am I leaving my children? and for that matter others around me? I have so many great women in my life who have, and continue to, leave a Godly legacy: an example to follow, an instruction book.
Sometimes though we can become guilty of looking at these people as if they are gods. We only see their heroic acts for the Lord, as a mother, a wife, and ministry partner, but we fail to remember that they, just like me(and many other I am sure), have their days, probably more often than not, where they wonder what kind of a difference they are making, and feel like every move they make is a failure.
As moms and wives we are especially hard on ourselves. Nothing is ever good enough, we are always trying for more. I think to myself sometimes... Why did God create us like that? Like many other things in life God gave us some traits that were meant for good but the curse of sin has turned them into something, well... not so good.
I don't know about anyone else but it seems to me like each day I get up with a full list of things to accomplish, and it never all gets done, or at least not to my standards. Then I go to bed with a list of unfinished business and it just adds to the list for tomorrow. It's never good enough. I'm always adding things to my already jam packed schedule along the way, making an impossible task even more impossible. The house is never all clean at once(unless someone else has my kids for more than a day), there is always laundry to be done(lets be honest with 6 ,going on 7, people in the house there is always dirty laundry somewhere), there are always dirty dishes in the sink, or waiting to come out of the dishwasher...
 Even as I write this I think to myself, all of these things are important, but in the end they are meaningless in our endeavor towards kingdom work.
Am I going to leave a legacy of having the cleanest house, always having the laundry done, etc... I don't know about you but while all those things would be nice, that's not what I am striving to be remembered for. So WHY do I stress myself out, to the point of feeling like a failure, when these things aren't done?!? Then at the end of every night I still lay in bed thinking... What legacy did I leave today?
Recently in our Journey readings we read about Mary and Martha. You know the story... Jesus is at their house, and Mary is soaking up every minute as his feet that she can get, while Martha is bitterly slaving away in the kitchen, mumbling under her breathe. The Lord says to Martha, YOUR MISSING WHAT IS IMPORTANT!!! Hello Martha?!?
Ummm, Hello KELLI?!
He didn't condemn the work that she was doing, it is important for the emotional and physical health of your family for you to keep your house in order, not chaos, but what he was saying was PRIORITIZE.
I've given myself this speech a thousand times! I do good for a while and then I fall right back into the sinful pattern of being so busy with other things that I miss what is really important. Sometimes, most of the time actually, the things that I am busying myself with are not sinful in and of themselves. Sometimes it is even ministry work! GASP, I know... yes, even good work can be sinful if it has taken a wrong place in the priority line up. So today I am reminding myself, and encouraging you to PRIORITIZE! Even if it means your laundry has to wait until tomorrow. Spend your day helping your kids discover the love of Christ in the world all around them, play with them, feed yourself and strengthen yourself in the Word, do something that is worth someone remembering.
What kind of legacy are you leaving? Are you a Mary or a Martha? 


  1. Great post. I think I definitely needed the reminder to strive to be a Mary! Thanks!

  2. I love this! Always a needed reminder for me to focus on what is actually important! Thanks for writing this.

  3. Thanks ladies. I think we all need this reminder now and then. :)
