Thursday, September 5, 2013

Proper Perspective.

Wow... In the last 3 months I have went from an OCD Stay at home mommy who always had a spotless house and everything organized to a working mom who cleans other peoples houses all day and has no energy left when I get home to clean my own house. I love working, don't get me wrong, but I really miss being at home with my babies. Oh how my perspective has changed.
Tonight, instead of cleaning(which trust me my house desperatly needs right now) My eyes were opened to a new perspective. I started clearing the table from our dinner and this CUTE little girl walked up to me and said "hold me mommy"
I know it all happened within a matter of second but it seemed like my whole body, especially my heart just melted. I thought... This baby girl will be 2 in a few weeks and soon those mommy hold me's" will not happen anymore. So I dropped everything and held her. Now normally this would have driven me insane to be sitting around looking at my messy house and not doing anything about it but tonight I just enjoyed it. Every minute of it. Until I got peed on! Lol. True story, we were trying out big girl panties and had an accident(in mommies lap). Even in that moment I thanked the Lord for all those years I had at home to just snuggle with my babies, and I appologized for not always taking complete advantage of those moments that I would give anything for right now.
I am a blessed woman, and although blessed has taken on a different meaning now days, it is still blessed. It's all about perspective!

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