Monday, September 9, 2013

Pregnancy Cravings

So far I have been craving Chicken salad(with grapes, not celery) and Broccoli. Sounds like some healthy pregnancy craving to me. Maybe Baby P is trying to tell me that I have been consuming too much junk lately.

You know, they say that your body craves what it needs and is repulsed by what you have plenty of, nutrients wise. I'm not sure that applies to candy and sweets though. True or False??

Here are some of my cravings, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Baby #1- I craved bread sticks and cheese and dairy(seeing as how I hate dairy and it is not ordinarily a part of my diet this might by a point for the True category)
Baby #2- I don't think I particularly craved anything but I repulsed chicken(seeing as how we ate chicken for nearly every meal that we could afford to have meat with, because chicken was cheap, this made it very hard at meal prep time. Raw chicken just put me over the edge.)
Baby #3- I craved donuts(epic fail, pretty much can say that's in the false category)
Baby #4- Eggs and peanut butter, together(I guess I must have needed protein), and while I eat these things normally maybe once a month, I was eating them everyday, sometimes twice a day. I would fry an egg over easy, toast a bagel, put peanut butter on it while it was still hot so it got all melty, and then put the egg on and make a bagel sandwich. It was messy but it was so good.
Baby #5- It's really too early to confirm a solid craving but Chicken Salad and Broccoli have been consistent all week

So... True of false? Does your body crave what it needs? Or repulse what it doesn't need?
What were some of your cravings?

BTW if anyone has a good chicken salad recipe that includes grapes, let me know. I can't find it made in stores anywhere, with just grapes. They have fruit and nuts, or celery.

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