Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Abba- Father, Week 3

What's in a name?


Wow. this was one roller coaster ride of a week. We got a lot of snow and some pretty frigid temps(one day it felt like -40F). The kids were already sick of being in the house and then the weather delayed their return to school for a whole week. The little ones were ready to have their little bit of mommy time back again, and we were all ready to get out of the house and get back into our normal routine. 
As I was praying and considering which name to choose for this week I was definitely having a mommy moment. I call this "mommy needs a time out". If I'm being honest I would say that on average, weekly,  I get out of the house less than 5 hours,especially when it is just too cold to bundle everyone up and get out, and those hours include the time I spend at the church doing ministry and going to the grocery store.
 About every 6 months I have one of these moments where I just get extremely overwhelmed and I need to get away from everyone and everything even if it just means to sit in silence somewhere, ANYWHERE, for a few hours. Usually this happens around a time of extreme schedule change, when everyone has been sick, and I am not sleeping at all! That in a nutshell has been our last 3 weeks!!
I have also been wrestling spiritually and emotionally with some other things. I've found that when you make a commitment to yourself and to the Lord that Satan will attack you in that very area to discourage you and convince you that you can not do what you are striving to do. He knows when your weak and he often takes advantage of that as well.

I was feeling very inadequate as a mother, which is kinda my full time job and ministry so that's a big deal.


As I was praying, asking the Lord to crush Satan, and thanking him for giving my the strength I need to defeat him; he gently whispered to me...

"I am your father, Abba. I love you. You are a great mother, despite what Satan and other may say. Keep searching my word for answers and I promise you will find the strength you need"

Wow. What comfort that brought to me in my moment of insecurity. You know, no matter how inadequate I feel sometimes to be the mother that all of my children, as individuals, need for me to be. When I am searching out God every minute of every day and it still seems like for some of them it just is not getting through. Satan says "Your a failure. Just give up. It's not worth all the stress it is causing you." but The Lord says "My strength is made perfect in your weakness. Keep the course. Keep being consistent. Train them in my ways" 
The great news is that no matter how many times I have failed my heavenly father, he has never given up on me. He is the ultimate example of being a perfect parent. His unconditional love is not even something that my human mind can comprehend and he has way more children than I ever will, each with their own individual wants, needs, and learning styles. If that doesn't give you hope as a mother I don't know what will.
So, as we are wading through the play grounds and war zones of motherhood this week, may we all find comfort in our Heavenly Father, Abba, The one who loves and cares for us unconditionally!!

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