Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jehovah- Raah, The Lord, My shepherd.

What's in a name??

Jehovah Raah- The Lord my Shepherd

So this week in our church's reading plan we came across John 10. Jesus was teaching on The Good Shepard. This is always one of my favorite views of who God is.
There are so many thing about shepherds that are not relevant in our culture today but if you do a little digging you will see that a shepherd was absolutely 100% committed to the safety and well being of his sheep.
 "A Shepherd's look at Psalm 23" is a book that will drastically change your perspective on shepard's and sheep.
There are many things that can be pointed out about a shepherd and his care for his sheep. I wont take the time to list them all because I could talk about it for a long time but I encourage you to study this out on your own.
I will, however, take the time to share with you one of my favorite perspectives of a Shepherd and his sheep. This view on a shepard revolutionized the way I saw many thing in life. It is a wonderful picture of God's perfect love for his children.
If a sheep wanders from the fold the shepherd will always go looking for it. This in and of itself is a wonderful display of a shepherds love and commitment to his sheep.
 However what they don't tell you in Sunday School is that when he finds it, he will take his staff and break the sheep's leg! 
There are so many things that I gather from this very act.
1. There are always consequences for wandering
2. The Lord in his goodness will always come looking for us.
3. Sometimes being taught a lesson is painful
 If the story stopped here then it would indeed seem like the shepherd was cruel and was not looking out for the best interest of the sheep. After all, a sheep who can not walk seems like easy picking for the wolves right? The story doesn't end there. The shepherd in his love for the sheep has to do something to get it's attention or it will just continue to wander farther and further and wind up being devoured by the wolves. Yet the shepherd doesn't say "you are a worthless animal, you do not stay where you are told, you wander constantly, you deserve to be eaten by the wolves"and then leave the sheep there to be eaten. Yes, he breaks the sheep's leg so it can not wander but then he binds the leg and carries the sheep on his shoulders until the leg has healed; to protect him from harm and to teach him to stay near the shepherd.

So many times in life, when something bad happens we are quick to blame Satan, or wonder why God is not near. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the trial you are facing is in fact the Lord breaking you so that he can teach you to cling to him and stay close to his voice?

In today's society, a parent who disciplines a child is cruel and breaking the child's spirit. Yet the bible says "the father that loves his child will discipline him" I think this view of the shepherd is a perfect example of how sometimes, although discipline hurts, it is for our best interest in the end. I have often used this example when talking to my children about punishment. I am sure that their young minds may not comprehend this beautiful picture of Christ's love for us in it's entirety but I pray that someday, when the light switch turns on, they will see the beauty and love of boundaries and discipline!
Each time I am faced with a trial in life I am not so quick to blame Satan, but instead to take an inward look at my position with The Good Shepherd. Have I wandered from the fold? Is he trying to remind me to stay close to him? Is he mending the wounds from my decisions and carrying me on his shoulders to keep me safe and teach me that my protection, comfort, and safety can only be found in him? This puts a whole new spin on trials.
This week, really try to concentrate on your relationship with God as The Good Shepherd. Are you close enough to hear his voice or have you wandered from the fold? Are you enjoying the protection and provisions that The Good Shepard provides or are you cornered by wolves because you've went your own way? Are you finding strength in the fold that surrounds you or are you being broken by the Shepherd so that you can learn to appreciate his care for you?
Just another view of God's Grace for us.